Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blog Post #16: Sacrifice

Continuation of Blog Post #15

Alaina was hanging to herself by a thread. She only stayed with herself because of the names. That's what they were right? She was so confused. As she concentrated on the shining lights she noticed, through the confusing haze in her mind, that they were bound by a thick, slimy, black cord. Nothing that beautiful should be bound by such and ugly thing, she thought. She reached forward and grabbed the cord. She screamed and pulled her hands away as quickly as she could. It had burned her! But in that moment of pain, she had  also a moment of clarity. She remembered who she was, why she was here, and what she needed to do. It was fading fast though. She thought quickly and concluded that the cord binding the names was them being held by the Burglar King. Bracing herself to do what she had to before she lost herself again; Alaina reached out quickly and grabbed the cord again.
Hot searing pain burst through every nerve ending in her hands. It traveled up her arms and into her shoulders. Everything in her was screaming to let go! It was going to eventually reach her heart and brain making for a very long and painful end she knew.  Alaina tugged even harder her efforts now tinged with desperation that only the dying posses. Every pore, every cell in her body was zinging with sharp pain. I'm going to die, She thought with resignation. Then suddenly through the pain she felt a pressure on her hand, as if someone were squeezing it anxiously. She realized deep inside her being that this presence on her hand was important to her. She channeled that feeling of power it gave her and pulled on the black cord. She felt it begin to give, but at the same time she was also starting to lose strength. With what she knew would be her very last action, she tore at the cord with the very essence of her being, and collapsed.

Queen Ayla looked around her a horrible scream resounding in her head. She was on the floor in the throne room, the floor! She stood up hastily before anyone could see her faux pas. Then she remembered what had happened. The last thing she remembered was the Burglar King ripping her name from her and her son running from the room. "Khitam!" She yelled. Then she heard the sobbing from across the room. "No, no, no!" It was a man's voice. Ayla walked cautiously around the corner. There was a man with his back to her crying over the still form of a young girl with brown golden hair and porcelain skin that was too white for living. "Excuse me," The queen said politely, aware of how delicate of a situation this was. The man turned around and the queen just about fainted. "Khitam?" she said breathlessly as she used the wall to hold herself up. "Mother?" he said through his tears. "She did it!" he said ecstatically "Oh, she did it." he said much more somber as he looked back at the still form of the girl on the floor. "What? What is going on Khitam?" She said as she knelt next to her son that she didn't recognize anymore. "Whats going on?" he responded "Well, I love her Mother" he said gesturing to the girl "And she saved all of us."

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Blog Post #15: Beyond the Mind Field

Continuation of Blog Post #14

            Alaina thought of all the people who needed her, her father, her grandmother, Boy's parents, all the people of Boy's kingdom, and Boy himself. With all of the people she loved in mind she sent out a psychic blast that knocked the Burglar King off his feet. She grabbed Boy's hand and began to run. "Where are we going?" He asked. "To the throne room where the names are!" she answered as a castle rose up in the distance, "Trust me, I have a plan!" They ran together up the stairs to the doors that were guarded by two towering knights. "Are they real?" Alaina asked Boy. "No, they are astral projections that he has created, so in a way, they are the Burglar King." "Good." Alaina replied as a sword appeared in her hand. She went up to the first knight and ran him through with her sword, and he dissolved into nothing. She looked over her shoulder to see that Boy had taken care of the other knight and they both turned in tandem and pushed the doors open.
            Inside of the castle was the most confusing layout Alaina had ever seen. "How in the world are we supposed to traverse this?" she said looking at the upside down staircases and the staircases that lead to nowhere. "I have no idea!" Boy replied. "Well then we just wait for the Burglar King to come and get us?" Alaina yelled getting frustrated, her whole plan centered on getting to the throne room. "Wait, I think I have an idea!" Boy said, "Can you reach out with your mind and see if you can feel the names and lead us to them?" "But I'm already out of my mind! How can I reach out again?" Alaina said. "I have no idea but you have to try!" Boy said grasping her hand anxiously. "But what if I can't come back?" She said worried. "Alaina," Boy said looking straight into her eyes, "If we don't try, you won't come back anyway!" She finally got his point and replied,"Boy, I need you to hold onto my hand and don't let go no matter what." She knew that she could feel the pressure of his hand anywhere and would always know how to come back to it. "I promise I will never let go." he said and with that Alaina closed her eyes and searched for the missing names.
             It was nothing like the Mind Field. The Mind Field had order and had rules and was a place that, even if it was something she never would have thought possible to exist, it had logic. Where she was now was simply raw instinct, no rules and almost empty. It was the very basic and genesis of thought. It scared her senseless. She knew that if she stayed her too long she would loose herself to the animalistic way of thinking this place inspired. She found it difficult to remember why she was here; what she needed to do. Names! She thought. Names, names, names! She thought it over and over like a chant inside her head to keep her sane, and on task. She drifted towards a glimmer that she thought she saw in the distance. The glimmer grew stronger and stronger the closer she came. She knew it was what she was looking for. As she drew nearer it grew so bright it was like a mini sun composed of million of tiny individual stars. She knew she had found what she was looking for, names. But while she had been so focused on her goal of finding the names, she could no longer remember anything else that she was supposed to do, and soon she felt herself succumbing to the wiles of the place beyond the Mind Field.